Minuet by Bach is an easy to play beautiful song. It is suited for beginning piano students that enjoyed at least 1-2 years of piano lessons.

All About Piano Lessons For Children
Here you find articles that include training videos showing you how to play a particular song. Many of them include practice tips and show my methodical approach to learning a new song.
I’m in the process of creating two training videos for that. Part 1 and Part 2.
Click here to open the Youtube video Menuet in G - Part 1
Part two, Coming soon!
For Elise (Für Elise) by Beethoven is one of the most popular piano pieces ever written.
In this video I show how beginning piano students can play my simplified version of the most famous part of the song.
My interpretation of the song is more in tune with the romantic era.
To download my version as a pdf please click on the link below.
Beethoven Für Elise – Part 1 arranged by Thomas Gunther
Click/Tap on the image below to watch the free For Elise video tutorial.
This post is about the Imperial March piano arrangement for the beginning piano student (children that already enjoyed 1 to 2 years of frequent piano lessons).
It includes my three part video training series that shows how to learn and play the Imperial March Theme (Part 1) from Star Wars on the piano.
Imperial March Piano Training Video 1 shows how to play the piece with both hands in different tempi, and is great as a play along.
Imperial March Piano Training Video 2 shows how to learn and perform the melody with the right hand.
Imperial March Piano Training Video 3 shows how to learn and play the accompaniment part with the left hand.
In video 2 I simplified the rhythm in the melody a little bit. Once the pupil masters the melody as taught in video 2, it is time to replace the two consecutive 8th notes with a dotted eighth note followed by a sixteenth note, as shown in the image below. (The top staff shows the new version). It is a little more challenging to play, but it is the original melody after all.
In popular music we use chord symbols to indicate the harmony of a song. One of the most important skills for a contemporary pianist to have is performing from lead sheets (melody + chord symbols) and chord charts.
The following images show two versions of the left hand accompaniment of the Imperial March arrangement.
On the left you see the actual written out arrangement with chord symbols added (click on it to enlarge the image).
On the right you see a chord chart with chord symbols and slashes only.
Tip: The slashes indicate the beats in the measure. (Quarter notes in our example). IMPORTANT: A chord symbol is valet until the next chord symbol appears.